Assured Business Continuity
Minimizing downtime and data loss essential for business. AceVault Backup & Recovery Solutions help meet your stringent Business Continuity Objectives by offering same business day onsite data recovery services.
Why Choose AceVault Services?
Eliminate tape backups and associated recurring costs of hardware,software and media.
Bilingual (French-English) technical support offered 24/7 via email,toll-free,remotely or site
Hybrid solution which stores your data locally and remotely at a secure location
We are HIPAA compliant (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)
Your data is always secure with Military Grade encryption
Backup options include Tier2 or Tier3 data centres for high-availability of your data
Complete server backups (Microsoft Server, Exchange, SQL, Server, SharPoint)
Stay in control from anywhere with centralized web based management
Business class remote backup solution with onsite recovery
Intuitive and easy-to-use bilingual user interface
“Bare-Metal” recovery option,assures full server restore for rapid business continuity